Online Genealogical Resources in the Digital Library of GeorgiaOnline Genealogical Resources in the Digital Library of Georgia
Galileo (Georgia Library Learning Online), including a brief description of resources offered through the Digital Library of Georgia
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Sgp country Programme Strategy for op6Sgp country Programme Strategy for op6
Times New Roman 11 font in text, 10 font in tables, except where otherwise indicated]
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I. Basic Information A. Members of the Publications BoardI. Basic Information A. Members of the Publications Board
Washington University in Saint Louis (recently of University of Pennsylvania) joined the Publications Board in February 2013. Guerin is active in networking and is past EiC of ieee/acm transactions on Networking and will provide the Publications Board with
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Annual Report of the Publications Board For the Period July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011Annual Report of the Publications Board For the Period July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011
Holly Rushmeier will be cycling off the Board this fall. Marie-Paule Cani of the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France will be joining the Board in late summer. Cani is active in siggraph and will provide the Board with the perspective of
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Annual Report of the Publications BoardAnnual Report of the Publications Board
Consequently the Standing Committees (Publications Planning Committee and Publications Business Affairs Committee) are all vacant. Tamer Ozsu
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Lit 4192 /Section 1C97 After the Song and Dance of Independence: Contemporary Caribbean LiteratureLit 4192 /Section 1C97 After the Song and Dance of Independence: Contemporary Caribbean Literature
Caribbean societies and denied opportunity to the majority. Thus, the focus on social & political movements and aesthetic changes since independence is meant to open a window into how the relationship between politics and literature
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Judith L. Klavans, Ph. DJudith L. Klavans, Ph. D
Coordinate research efforts on the digital library at Columbia University, connecting the School of Engineering, Information Services (Libraries and Academic Computing), and academic departments
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Internet Resource Guide: Penn State Undergraduate Computer Science Jonas Wang July 4, 2016 English 202c technical WritingInternet Resource Guide: Penn State Undergraduate Computer Science Jonas Wang July 4, 2016 English 202c technical Writing
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (esorics) 8
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Archive: a galileo user (24 Nov 08): As a huge fan of the Digital Library and amateur genealogical researcher, I was ecstatic to see theArchive: a galileo user (24 Nov 08): As a huge fan of the Digital Library and amateur genealogical researcher, I was ecstatic to see the
Voices of the customers indicate the value of the digitized Macon Telegraph Archive
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Hist 3000: Intro to Historical Studies Dr. M. DavisHist 3000: Intro to Historical Studies Dr. M. Davis
Leb’s Restaurant, and the debates surrounding these protests, in the early 1960s. You will then write a paper that uses these primary sources to create a narrative of the event
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Customer Service Nomination for Team galileo for 2008 BackgroundCustomer Service Nomination for Team galileo for 2008 Background
Galileo seeks to provide equal access to information for all Georgia citizens. While individual libraries benefit from the cooperative sharing of resources lower costs and increased access to a wider range of materials the goal is to improve library services for
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